News & Events

Colloquium December 06: Aruna Balasubramanian, Stony Brook

Computer Science Colloquium Friday, December 06 2:35pm in Wege Auditorium Systems research to address societal problems Many of systems and networking research focusses on improving performance, often defined in terms of throughput, latency, and robustness. Instead our lab have been working on systems research to address societal problems such as… Continue reading »

Colloquium 11/15: Subhadeep Sarkar, Brandeis University

Friday, November 15 2:35pm, Wege Auditorium Building Deletion-Compliant Data Systems Data-intensive applications fueled the evolution of log-structured merge (LSM) based key-value engines that employ the out-of-place paradigm to support high ingestion rates with low read/write interference. These benefits, however, come at the cost of treating deletes as second-class citizens. Continue reading »

Colloquium 11/08 – Grad School Discussion

Colloquium Friday, November 08 2:35pm in Wege Auditorium Thinking about graduate school? CS faculty will discuss everything you need to know about graduate school including; deadlines, personal statements, finding an advisor, research, application process, and choosing the right school. CS colloquium… Continue reading »

Colloquium 11/01 – Pascal Spino, MIT

Computer Science Colloquium Friday 11/01 2:35pm in Wege Auditorium   Towards mobile underwater robots at the centimeter scale Underwater robots are indispensable for many aquatic tasks including exploration, infrastructure inspection, and environmental monitoring. However, the underwater environment remains a challenging… Continue reading »

Colloquium 9/27: Sam Thomas, Brown University

Sam Thomas Computer Science Colloquium Friday, September 27 2:35pm in Wege Auditorium Towards a Practical Secure Memory for Modern Deployments Applications expect values stored in memory to be in the same state when they are fetched for correct execution. Unfortunately, memory is an imperfect device; physical device vulnerabilities allow… Continue reading »