
Derek Nowrouzezahrai

Rendering is an Artist’s Nightmare (and a Researcher’s Dream) This talk will begin with a brief discussion of rendering at a high-level, including where it fits in the bigger picture of the computer graphics pipeline. Those unfamiliar to the area will be given a quick tour of the field, as… Continue reading »

Deepak Ganesan

Ubiquitous Sensing of Human Behavior The ability to continuously monitor activities, health, and lifestyles of individuals using sensors has reached unprecedented levels – smartphones have a plethora of sensors to monitor activity and location, on-body sensors enable continuous sensing of our physiological signals, and a growing number of sensors embedded… Continue reading »

Honors Thesis Propsal Talks – Part II

Thomas Gaidus – Energy-Aware Distributed Sorting Systems Sorting data is a very common operation for the large and powerful data centers of today. Because sorting is also a task fairly representative of other operations, it is a heavily studied exercise. Many benchmarks exist for measuring performance of sorting systems… Continue reading »

Honors Thesis Proposal Talks – Part I

Donny Huang – Implementing Online GreedyFuture A binary search tree algorithm is dynamically optimal if it can run asymptotically as fast as any possible binary search tree algorithm on any possible sequence of node accesses. GreedyFuture is an offline binary search tree algorithm, conjectured to be dynamically optimal, that has… Continue reading »