CSCI 109: The Art and Science of Computer Graphics (Q)

This course provides an opportunity to develop an understanding of the theoretical and practical concepts underlying 2- and 3-dimensional computer graphics. The course will emphasize hands-on studio/laboratory experience, with student work focused around completing a series of projects. Students will experiment with modeling, color, lighting, perspective, and simple animation. As the course progresses, computer programming will be used to control the complexity of the models and their interactions. Lectures, augmented by guided viewings of state-of-the-art computer generated and enhanced images and animations, will be used to deepen understanding of the studio experience.

Format: Lectures/labs. Evaluation will be based on progress in project work and two examinations.

Prerequisites: None. This course is not open to students who have successfully completed a Computer Science course numbered 136 or above.

Course webpage:

Taught by: Bailey

Scheduled offerings:

Past offerings:
Fall 2014
109-01 (LEC) TR 8:30-9:45
109-02 (LAB) M 1:00-2:25
109-03 (LAB) M 2:35-4:00

Spring 2014
109-01 (LEC) TR 8:30-9:45
109-02 (LAB) R 1:00-2:25
109-03 (LAB) R 2:35-4:00