
Jeannie Albrecht Jeannie Albrecht, Professor & Chair
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Research interests: Distributed systems and computer networks, particularly focusing on reliability, scalability, and extensibility achieved over the wide-area, sensor networks, operating systems.
Daniel Barowy, Assistant Professor (on leave fall 24)
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Research interests: End-user programming, crowdsourcing, program synthesis, debugging techniques, nonparametric statistical methods.
James Bern, Assistant Professor
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Research interests: Soft and rigid robotics, computational design, numerical simulation, computer graphics, toys & games, robotic art
Rohit Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor (on leave 24-25)
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Research interests: Causal inference, graphical models, missing data, oncogenomics
Freund Stephen N. Freund, Professor
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Research interests: Design and implementation of programming languages and virtual machines, type based program analysis, verification of multithreaded programs, programming environments and tools.
Mark Hopkins, Assistant Professor
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Research interests: Machine learning, machine translation, automated question answering, computational typology
Iris Howley, Assistant Professor
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Research interests: Human-Computer Interaction, technology enhanced learning environments, computer-supported collaborative learning, information visualization, automated linguistic analysis for education.
William Jannen, Associate Professor 
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Research interests:
File system design and analysis, media-specific storage optimizations, data structures, write optimization
Katie Keith, Assistant Professor
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Research interests: Natural language processing, computational social science, machine learning, data science, causal inference
Samuel McCauley, Assistant Professor
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Research interests: Algorithms and data structures, hashing and randomization, similarity search, I/O-efficient algorithms, and  scheduling.
Kelly Shaw, Associate Professor
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Research interests: Parallel architectures, including heterogeneous architectures, Internet of Things, particularly with respect to data consistency correctness, memory systems, workload characterization of emerging applications.
Shikha Singh, Assistant Professor
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Research interests: Algorithmic game theory, algorithms & data structures, combinatorial optimization, complexity theory.
Laura South, Visiting Professor
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Research interests: Accessibility, data visualization.
Aaron Williams, Associate Professor
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Research interests: Algorithms, combinatorics, computational complexity, puzzles and games, history of video games.