Required Proficiency in Discrete Mathematics

Students must demonstrate proficiency in discrete mathematics either by earning a grade of C- or better in MATH 200/328/334/341 or by satisfactory performance on the departmental Discrete Mathematics Proficiency Exam. This requirement must be met by the end of the sophomore year.

The Discrete Mathematics Proficiency Exam may be taken at most twice and cannot be taken after the sophomore year. The exam may not be used to fulfill the requirement for a student who has taken Math 200 pass/fail or who received a letter grade below C- in that course.  The exam will be discontinued in Fall 2025.  No students entering in Fall 2024 or later will be eligible to take the exam.

The exam will be offered once in the middle of each semester, before that semester’s pre-registration period. In general, the purpose of the exam is to allow students already proficient in Discrete Mathematics to avoid taking a largely repetitive course. We expect and encourage most students to take MATH 200 to fulfill the requirement.

Logistics (including exam format, dates, how to sign up, and more)

Preparing for the exam

The registration deadline for the October 2024 exam is Friday, October 18 at 12:00pm.